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Really cool concept, unfortunately mine also black-screened after the uh.. revelation. I'm on browser if that matters. Really wish I could finish the game, it was interesting :(


I thought it was a bit fiddly and not always obvious knowing what to do next, but the concept was very interesting. It felt like a story told a little differently, and every little revelation kept me guessing. 


How do I get past the blank, black screen? There is no tutorial and I'm super confused.

Wow this game is awesome! Love the concept and I wish this story went on longer. This is definitely the type of detective games people want and need. You could probably even make a whole series with this thing!


I don't know why but all went black on me too. Great game idea, in top 10 for sure.


Cool idea, I felt like a detective, also after doing this game jam i felt hung over as well so I can relate. I found it difficult to piece together some bits of information, but I bet some tweaking of the UI and creating a more visual way to put together pieces of the puzzle would help it a lot.


I quite liked the game but I couldn't finish it after finding out happened it just went all black on me.  With a bit more work this could a great little indie games that I could myself buying, the concept of having to piece together the events of the night before made the logic mechanics shine.


A really nice entry to the competition. I really wanted to figure out what happened.

I enjoyed the idea behind the game, and I think it could be a really great one if the UI is improved and it disallows trial/error spamming entries.